Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day59/Day 20

Is the staff moving in or moving out?
THANKFULLY, they are not moving out!!!
This is what it looks like prior to our staff heading into the classrooms.

I spy with my little eye a bag of snacks. Do you see it? Why snacks?......So students can have an energy boost before spending some time reading and writing.

I spy with my little eye pencils. Do you see them? Why pencils?........So students can add and subtract, journal, write stories, etc.

I spy with my little eye journals. Do you seem them? Why journals?.......So students can express themselves through writing.

I spy with my little eye cones and poly spots. Do you see them? Why cones and poly spots?.....So students can engage in physical activity.

I spy with my little eye manipulatives. Do you see them? Why manipulatives? ……So students can experience hands on learning.

I spy with my little eye a teacher on the floor. Do you see her? Why is she on the floor?.....Because our staff spends countless hours creating dynamic lessons and they need every last minute to put the final touches on them.

I spy with my little eye crayons and markers. Do you see them? Why crayons and markers?......So students’ diverse learning styles can be met.
I spy with my little eye a changing world. Do you?
Carpe Diem!

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