Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day 49/Day 13

This morning, while in the elevator, I saw something that made me laugh.....

.....There is a key hole that says "Stop" and "Run".....I thought to myself.....where can I run to....I am in an elevator.....

Then I got thinking....those simple words can mean so much.....

...Throughout our lives we are often faced with challenges that make us want to simply "stop" or get up and "run"......

Did you ever think back to those challenges and wonder what would have happened if you stopped or ran??? If you didn't continue on???

When the Academy first started, it was chaotic....our staff could have all ran....but thank goodness they didn't!!!! Each day is better than the day before. Carpe Diem has been running for 13 days....a total of 39 hours....that is less than a full work week.....and a TREMENDOUS amount of progress has been made!!

Each day, as I walk through the classrooms, I am in awe as to what is going on.....

.....Students are learning!!! Students are engaged!!! Teachers are seeing success!!!

Today, I walked into a classroom and the students were engaged in centers. One group was searching for numbers in newspaper ads, another group was creating words with easter eggs, another group was doing a rhyming activity, and the fourth group was found relaxing on bean bag chairs and writing. WOW!!!

Carpe Diem!


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