Monday, April 23, 2012

Day 56/Day18

Happy New Year!!  Ok....ok....not quite....but pretty darn close! Ringing in the New Year is a time for celebration, a time for cheers, a time to be thankful for what we accomplished the previous year, a time to look forward to the future with optimistic eyes.

Today, is a day to celebrate! The class set of iPads arrived this afternoon!!!

Today, I also visited each of the sites, which is pretty darn good for a Monday! While driving between sites, I reflected on how much learning has taken place since we began 6 short weeks ago. We have made great skips, no skips are too small.....We have made great hops, no hops just won't cut it.....We have made great leaps, yes, leaps will work! We have made great leaps since we first began. One has to realize, we have been running for 6 weeks, but only 4 days a week and 3 hours a day. That is only 72 hours and actually it's been a little less. A little less than 2 full work weeks. I must say that is pretty impressive when seen through my optimistic eyes!

Back to the learning....I have witnessed children learning about synonyms and antonyms. I have witnessed children graphing the letters in their name. I have witnessed students rhyming and counting and patterning and listening to stories. I have witnessed students saying please and thank you and walking down the hall in a quiet line. I have witnessed students journaling and singing. I have witnessed children that were once to shy to dance, now dancing. I have witnessed children engaged in Physical Activity. I have witnessed tears rolling down a child's cheeks because her mother got out of work early and she didn't want to leave. I have witnessed children printing and writing and painting. I have witnessed children laughing. I have witnessed children acting and sewing and sculpting. I have witnessed a child learn that a needle is called a needle, not a noodle. I have witnessed children become excited when they hear bananas are for snack. I have witnessed children sitting and eat dinner with their friends. I have witnessed A LOT in 72 hours. I have witnessed A LOT through my optimistic eyes!

As we prepare to end Phase 1, and start planning for Phase 2, my glass is half-full! Is yours? I will continue to look through the optimistic lens! Will you? 

Join me with your glass that is half-full and bring along your optimistic lens. I have a student where I use to teach....she let me leave so I can change the world....will you help me?

Carpe Diem!


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