Friday, April 6, 2012

Day 45

My entries have changed since I first started to the beginning they were a little more thought provoking...had a little more substance......however, that has since changed...

Mainly because since the academy has been up and running, I don't have as much down time to reflect on the gather my thoughts that are constantly circulating around the topic of Carpe Diem Academy....

In the beginning, I was blogging late morning or I am lucky to post a daily entry before 11:59 PM....

I don't need to blog everyday....however, it's more of a personal challenge to do so....each day I have learned something.....each day something new happened....this is the next stepping stone in my life and I want to remember all that I gained from this experience! I am off....have a little more time to it goes....

Yesterday evening, I was sitting in my office getting ready for class and as I was grading mid-terms, something (I really can't identify exactly what it was) reminded me how much I love my job.....

Personal happiness is something that we all strive for....I am happy now....I have been happy since I was notified that the proposal for the 21st Century Community Learners grant was accepted....

But why am I happy? I am happy because I made a positive change in my career. I am happy because I work for and with dedicated educators. I am happy because at 5:30 children are still smiling even though they are still in school.... 4 words you don't often find in the same sentence! The other day someone asked me about how I always blog about how we are going to change the world .........those 4 words in the same sentence proves that we are! Children want to be at school.....they want to learn....they are happy!

Happy Easter!

Carpe Diem!


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