Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 61/Day 21

Lately, I have talked a lot about what the students have been learning. I have talked a lot about it because they are learning a lot.

However, tonight we are going to look through a different lens. Tonight, I am going to write about what I have been learning....because....I too, have been learning a lot.

The phrase, "All you need to know, you learned in kindergarten." is not exactly true!

Friday, was my 60th day on the new job...and my golly goodness, I have learned a lot!

- I have learned that walking to Police and Safety to obtain a parking pass will eliminate the daily parking tickets.

- I have learned how to work without 24 7-year olds calling out your name every 8 seconds.

- I have learned how to send myself an email using the copier.

- I have learned what it is like to work for a!

- I have learned how to use an Apple computer (well, kinda)!

- I have learned that my voice mail has an internal and external message...which reminds me, I still need to change my internal message!

- I have learned my way around one of the schools without using a GPS!

- I have learned I do not like the Jeep Patriot.

- I have learned how to read a budget.

- I have learned the importance of keeping receipts and not just tossing them.

- I have learned the importance of documenting my spending.

- I have learned how to drive to Wegmans with my eyes closed! (Just kidding!)

- I have learned that riding a bus can be fun!

- I have learned how to hand out a business card.

- I have learned....I have learned....I have learned, a lot! However, the most important thing I learned.....

- I learned that kids are kids no matter where they matter the school they attend....and that they are capable of doing long as they are given the opportunity to do so.

Carpe Diem!


Sunday, April 29, 2012

Guest Blogger

Our last day of Carpe Diem for this school year will be Thursday, May 3rd. I still plan on blogging on a daily basis, but you must be getting sick of hearing from me! 

So.....I invited the staff to be, "guest bloggers". They each have a story.....whether it's a story of success, frustration, wonderment, etc, is their story......and they should have the opportunity to share their story.

Our first guest blogger is Meghan Farrell. I will let you read her story to hear what she has to say. So....make a cup of tea....sit down and get comfy.....and read Meaghan's's a good one!

            My name is Meaghan Farrell and I am one of the grad assistants and lead teachers at the Carpe Diem Academy. Amy asked me to write a post about an experience with my kindergarteners this week that went particularly well.

            We learned about manners this week in my classroom. We read books about manners, acted out “good manners” scenarios, completed journal entries and learned songs about manners in sign language. All of these activities were leading up to Thursdays “Fancy Dinner”

            At our dinner, we used a tablecloth, napkins, plates instead of Styrofoam trays, cups instead of milk cartons and spoons, knives and forks instead of sporks. Each student had their own placemat that they had made earlier in the week to learn about setting a table. Some of the students let me know that they had never been to a restaurant or seen a table fully set. Our fancy dinner then became more important. At our dinner, I became a waitress, the desks became a table and my kindergarteners became little grown-ups.

            It was remarkable. I sat with my five-year-olds at a table and watched them dine. Classical music played in the background, students engaged in polite conversation and young boys who had trouble staying in the classroom the first few days of Carpe Diem were now eating with napkins in their laps, wearing homemade paper bowties. It was the highlight of my week (many weeks) and it melted my heart when one student said to me, “Miss Farrell, this is kind of like we’re at a real restaurant and we’re your 14 kids.”

            In my eyes, they are my kids and it will be hard to leave them next week. Sometimes, as teachers we find ourselves teaching so much more than reading, writing and math. I’m learning that it is in those lessons that students seem to take away the most. And in those moments, when students have the spark in their eye of a new experience, I take away the most as well.

            Now, wasn't that a great story! Next time you are at a fancy restaurant.....think about this story......think about the opportunity that Meghan gave to her 14 children. Meghan was right when she said, "As teachers we find ourselves teaching so much more than reading, writing and math."  As teachers, we need to remember to educate the whole child.

Carpe Diem!


Friday, April 27, 2012

Day 60

I often say I love my I was driving home from work today, I realized I haven't been exactly truthful with myself, or you..........

I enjoy what I do too much to call it a job....I think I need to start saying, "I love my hobby!"

For something to be called a job, one must consider it go because you have go because you have go to collect that paycheck....

I have had a few jobs.....oh trust me......I have had a few jobs......

Hobbies are do something because you enjoy it.....So.....the next time someone asks me where I work, I am going to say nowhere. I am going to simply state that I am fortunate enough to spend my days helping provide a safe environment for children after school and someone agreed to pay me to do so!

In fact, I hope I never have to work another day in my life, again. I don't picture myself ever getting sick of this hobby!

For those of you that have to go to work everyday, hang in there......your hobby is out there!

Happy Friday!

Carpe Diem!


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day59/Day 20

Is the staff moving in or moving out?
THANKFULLY, they are not moving out!!!
This is what it looks like prior to our staff heading into the classrooms.

I spy with my little eye a bag of snacks. Do you see it? Why snacks?......So students can have an energy boost before spending some time reading and writing.

I spy with my little eye pencils. Do you see them? Why pencils?........So students can add and subtract, journal, write stories, etc.

I spy with my little eye journals. Do you seem them? Why journals?.......So students can express themselves through writing.

I spy with my little eye cones and poly spots. Do you see them? Why cones and poly spots?.....So students can engage in physical activity.

I spy with my little eye manipulatives. Do you see them? Why manipulatives? ……So students can experience hands on learning.

I spy with my little eye a teacher on the floor. Do you see her? Why is she on the floor?.....Because our staff spends countless hours creating dynamic lessons and they need every last minute to put the final touches on them.

I spy with my little eye crayons and markers. Do you see them? Why crayons and markers?......So students’ diverse learning styles can be met.
I spy with my little eye a changing world. Do you?
Carpe Diem!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


The Carpe Diem students are catching on.......look here........

They have the world in their hands....they want to be that change in the world......

Carpe Diem!


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day 57

Today, the students did not learn a thing during Carpe Diem. Why? Because the students did not have school, today. No school = no academy.

However, just because there was no Carpe Diem, doesn't mean the students did not apply what they have been learning at some point during their day off.

I am certain that out of 170 students, at least 1 of them (but I am betting more) did apply something. Perhaps it was.....

            - The child that dribbled a basketball while playing "hoops" with his friends at the park. Thanks to JumpBunch, he was confident and instead of passing the ball, he dribbled down the court and made a 3-point shot!

            - The child that helped her grandmother with shaky hands sew a button on a coat. Thanks to Artist Debbie, she was proud to share her latest hobby of sewing with her grandmother.

            - The child that chose an apple over a bag of chips. Thanks to Wegmans, he is learning to make healthy choices.

            - The child that entertained her younger brother and sister with some of the latest dance moves. Thanks to Spotlight, she refrained from turning on the TV.

            - The child that picked up a book, instead of playing a video game. Thanks to his teachers, he decoded words and identified the setting and characters.

Do you feel a sense of change? I do!

Carpe Diem!


Monday, April 23, 2012

Day 56/Day18

Happy New Year!!  Ok....ok....not quite....but pretty darn close! Ringing in the New Year is a time for celebration, a time for cheers, a time to be thankful for what we accomplished the previous year, a time to look forward to the future with optimistic eyes.

Today, is a day to celebrate! The class set of iPads arrived this afternoon!!!

Today, I also visited each of the sites, which is pretty darn good for a Monday! While driving between sites, I reflected on how much learning has taken place since we began 6 short weeks ago. We have made great skips, no skips are too small.....We have made great hops, no hops just won't cut it.....We have made great leaps, yes, leaps will work! We have made great leaps since we first began. One has to realize, we have been running for 6 weeks, but only 4 days a week and 3 hours a day. That is only 72 hours and actually it's been a little less. A little less than 2 full work weeks. I must say that is pretty impressive when seen through my optimistic eyes!

Back to the learning....I have witnessed children learning about synonyms and antonyms. I have witnessed children graphing the letters in their name. I have witnessed students rhyming and counting and patterning and listening to stories. I have witnessed students saying please and thank you and walking down the hall in a quiet line. I have witnessed students journaling and singing. I have witnessed children that were once to shy to dance, now dancing. I have witnessed children engaged in Physical Activity. I have witnessed tears rolling down a child's cheeks because her mother got out of work early and she didn't want to leave. I have witnessed children printing and writing and painting. I have witnessed children laughing. I have witnessed children acting and sewing and sculpting. I have witnessed a child learn that a needle is called a needle, not a noodle. I have witnessed children become excited when they hear bananas are for snack. I have witnessed children sitting and eat dinner with their friends. I have witnessed A LOT in 72 hours. I have witnessed A LOT through my optimistic eyes!

As we prepare to end Phase 1, and start planning for Phase 2, my glass is half-full! Is yours? I will continue to look through the optimistic lens! Will you? 

Join me with your glass that is half-full and bring along your optimistic lens. I have a student where I use to teach....she let me leave so I can change the world....will you help me?

Carpe Diem!


Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Story of Carpe Diem Academy

About two months ago, I went to a conference in Harrisburg. One of the presenters said to not tell about the program with statistics, but rather tell a story. This evening, I read through the blog entries beginning with Day 1 and ending with Go, Jeep, Go.

            Throughout my blogging, I have shared some stories, but realized I never shared the story of how Carpe Diem Academy came to be.

            In mid-October, Leanne Roberts (my boss at Mercyhurst) mentioned to me that she was in the process of writing a grant. I left the conversation without fully understanding what she was actually writing it for, but from the bits and pieces that I understood, it sounded good!

            In further discussion, the grant would be funded through 21st Century Community Learning Centers. From my understanding, Leanne’s first reason for writing the grant was to provide the education majors for an optimal field experience. As she began researching, her main focused changed. She discovered the NEED of the community. She discovered the NEED of the community that lived just down the hill from her office. So she extended her focus. Yes, the education majors would have extensive field experience, while supporting the community that is only a mile or two from the campus.

You see, I didn’t have anything to do with the grant in the beginning. I was teaching first grade and in the evening I was teaching an education course (Which minds me, this is a reminder to my current students enrolled in Early Childhood Methods…keep reading the blog….there may be a question from the blog on your final!).

            As I was reading, “The Biggest Leaf Pile” to 24 first graders, Leanne was working on the literacy component for the grant. As I was counting pennies and nickels, and dimes with 24 first graders, Leanne was working on a $1.5 million dollar budget. As I was taking my students to lunch, Leanne was writing a snack and dinner into the daily schedule. As I was taking my students to recess, Leanne was asking JumpBunch if they would partner with the program to engage students in daily physical activity. As I was emailing a parent, Leanne was emailing the final draft of the grant. As I was dropping a Scholastic Book Order in the mail, Leanne was mailing copies of the grant to Harrisburg.

            About a week after the grant was submitted, I learned more about all that the grant proposal encompassed. Now, I have unlimited texting, but I think I exceeded the limit through the ongoing texts of, “Did you hear anything, yet.” One website listed the number of grants (over 100), the amount of dollars requested (over $33 million) and the amount of dollars available (about $17 million). The odds didn’t look too good. It was about 2 months of continuous pacing. Continuous wondering. Continuous “What if’s."

            In about mid-January, I got the call. The call saying the grant was funded. The call saying the grant was funded for the full $1.5 million dollars. The call saying the Carpe Diem Academy is now a reality.

            I didn’t respond as I thought I was going to. It was a mixture of emotions. Two days later, I turned in my 2 week notice. During those 2 weeks, I was preparing for a career change. During those 2 weeks, Leanne was already working on implementing the grant (I swear she has more than 24 hours in her days!). 

            In a nutshell, that is the story of how Carpe Diem Academy, began. That is reason why children in K-2 spend time after school in a safe environment, enjoy a nutritious snack, engage in physical activity, concentrate on math and literacy skills, and eat a healthy dinner during a 3 hour period after school Monday-Thursday. For those of you that are reading this blog for the first time, you will have to start with Day 1 and read all about what Carpe Diem Academy is and does.

Carpe Diem!


Friday, April 20, 2012

Day 55

Go, Jeep, Go!!!........

.......That is all I have to say for today!!!

Happy Friday!

Carpe Diem!


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Day 54/Day17

Today, I was needed!!! Not once.....not twice.....but three times!!!!!!!!

First need was when one of the staff called off sick. I had to cover her class for 30 minutes until our support staff arrived. I had a class of my own for 30 minutes!  Brought back great memories of children tapping your arm to get your attention, not sitting still for longer than 30 seconds, asking a million questions, having to repeat directions over and over again, wanting a green pencil when they were given a blue pencil....oh...the good times....the joys of being a teacher!!!

Second need was when a staff member called and said their site needed trash this need had nothing to do directly with children....but I am happy to help keep the school tidy so the children can continue to learn in a clean environment....

Third I handed off the trash bags to the staff, I noticed that Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwhiches were on the menu for dinner. One of the students is allergic to peanuts and there was not an alternative my car I go and I head over to the nearest grocery store. However, the store does not sell the deli counter I go......"Excuse me sir, I would like two slices of lunch meat and a slice of cheese." I picked up a loaf of bread on the way to the cash register.....back in the car to the site.....and a few minutes later a sandwhich is made!

Those 3 needs are 3 of the many reasons I love my job!

Carpe Diem!


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Day 53/ Day 16

Today, I thought I would blog at a different a different place. I am sitting in the hallway at one of the sites. I am feeling a little guilty....I am sitting...I should be up and helping in some way.....but the classrooms are set.....I want to go in and walk around the rooms but the students become easily distracted.

.........the children are engaged in just 20 class is listening to a class is class is heading to class is just finishing their Afternoon Message and preparing for snack......

I can't see too much....but I can hear.....

.......I hear students laughing

.......I hear students singing

.......I hear students answering questions

.......I hear students responding with please and thank you

I feel a sense of that was difficult to find, today......I just saw a sense of calmness....I saw 14 students tiptoeing down the hallway.....such a big change from day 1....

Back to the sense of calmness....calmness was difficult to find, today......perhaps it had something to do with a quiz that I had to take.....I read the powerpoint....I listened to the powerpoint....I took notes....I studied.....but the outcome wasn't as I had planned....guess I need to study a little harder.....

Study harder means different things to different people.....take more more....listen harder......

Work harder means different things to different people, as well.....but I truly believe that no matter how people define "working hard" we will all come together, work hard, and change the world!

Carpe Diem!


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Day 52/Day15

Think about your job. What makes you like your job? What makes you dislike your job? Why do you work where your work?

I am sure you come across days that you wish you worked somewhere else, or had a different profession. I am sure you come across days where you wonder if you will last another day behind that desk.

I know I often talk about how much a love my job. I often talk about how happy I am with this opportunity.

I don't want to bore you. I don't want to brag.

But tonight, yet again, I am going to post about how much I love what I do.

This afternoon, as I was walking through the doors of one of the sites, I had four bags of bananas hanging from my arms. Twenty-one pounds of bananas to be exact. As I carried the bags of bananas, I thought about how much I love my job. Sounds petty. But 21 lbs. of bananas is equal to approximately 60 students eating a nutritious snack.

A little while later, I was talking to Leanne on the phone and she asked if I still loved my job....I told her what I just shared with you about the bananas.....of course I love my job. I really, really, do!

Some days may feel like an "Eeyore" kinda day. Some days may feel like I am Alexander in the book, "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day".

But when the day is all said and done....I will still love my job....even if I have gum stuck in my hair!

Carpe Diem!


Monday, April 16, 2012

Day 51/Day 14

When we first started the academy a few weeks ago, the 3 hours I spent at one site would go like this.....

.......Help supervise students in the gym as they waited to be dismissed to their classroom.....head up the stairs to check on 2 classrooms....down a flight to check on another room..... monitor hallway.....up two flights to check on another classroom....down to the gym to see if dinner arrived....back up to check on the first classroom....and the routine continued until all students were sitting and eating dinner......and then it would begin the next day!

I soon began to call this "Carpe Diem Academy -Weight Watchers Edition" we entered week 3, I realized the soles on my shoes were I purchased a new pair....

As we began week 4 and have worked our way to week 5....there I the still as can be.....with new shoes.....all alone....

Leanne and I are no longer needed.....our staff has it under control! We went from doors flying open with staff eagerly inviting us in, to staff closing the doors with a smile that says we've got everything under control....

Not being needed brings joy and sadness.....what is happening now is what we hoped for....we could not have a better staff and we have complete trust in's just hard standing a hallway.....

But in that that quiet.....I will often see a smile of success or hear words of encouragement.....

In the quiet hallway......where I longer needed....I catch a glimpse of the world changing....

Carpe Diem!


Friday, April 13, 2012

Day 50

I thought I would end the week with a few quotes for you to think about over the weekend.....

"The soul is healed by being with children."
                                           - English proverb      

If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children."
                                           - Mohandes Ghandi, political and spiritual leader in India  

"No one has yet fully realized the wealth of sympathy, kindness and generosity hidden in the soul of a child. The effort of every true education should be to unlock that treasure."
                                           - Emma Goldman, author      

"Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them."
                                          - Lady Bird Johnson, former U.S. first lady

"Children are our most valuable resource."
                                         - Herbert Hoover, 31st U.S. president      

"I continue to believe that if children are given the necessary tools to succeed, they will succeed beyond their wildest dreams!"
                                         - David Vitter, U.S. senator     

Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see."
                                         - John W. Whitehead, founder, Rutherford Institute     

"The potential possibilities of any child are the most intriguing and stimulating in all creation."
                                        -Ray L. Wilbur, third president of Stanford University 

Happy Friday!

Carpe Diem!


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day 49/Day 13

This morning, while in the elevator, I saw something that made me laugh.....

.....There is a key hole that says "Stop" and "Run".....I thought to myself.....where can I run to....I am in an elevator.....

Then I got thinking....those simple words can mean so much.....

...Throughout our lives we are often faced with challenges that make us want to simply "stop" or get up and "run"......

Did you ever think back to those challenges and wonder what would have happened if you stopped or ran??? If you didn't continue on???

When the Academy first started, it was chaotic....our staff could have all ran....but thank goodness they didn't!!!! Each day is better than the day before. Carpe Diem has been running for 13 days....a total of 39 hours....that is less than a full work week.....and a TREMENDOUS amount of progress has been made!!

Each day, as I walk through the classrooms, I am in awe as to what is going on.....

.....Students are learning!!! Students are engaged!!! Teachers are seeing success!!!

Today, I walked into a classroom and the students were engaged in centers. One group was searching for numbers in newspaper ads, another group was creating words with easter eggs, another group was doing a rhyming activity, and the fourth group was found relaxing on bean bag chairs and writing. WOW!!!

Carpe Diem!


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Day 48/Day12

Today, I had a flashback.....

....As I was doing an observation, the students were gathered on the rug, so I quietly found a seat in the back row of desks in hopes to not interrupt the instruction.

While sitting, I realized I was sitting in a student chair....I quickly flashbacked to the days of teaching first grade and how I would often sit in my students' chairs. I would sit in their seats for many reasons...

                - To help them color pictures -Something so simple, yet so rewarding. I always found it enjoyable to pick up a crayon and help students color their pictures. It was a great time to "chat" with them, to set aside the academics and get to know them, to laugh with them, to learn from them.

               - To model how to sit in a chair - I can't tell you how many times I showed the students how to sit correctly in a seat so they would no longer "tip over".

              - To let the students teach me - I always looked for an opportunity when a student would go to the restroom, or even get up to get a keelnex....I would hop in their seat and then they had    
to teach. I certainly learned a great deal.

              - To console a crying child - Nothing better than getting down to their level and comforting a child who misses their mom, or doesn't feel well, or needs help with an assignment.

               - To eat lunch with them - Once a month my students would have an opportunity to eat lunch with me in the classroom. Loved the casual conversation!

I started to miss my time in the "student chair"....but soon realized.....that time is still there....just in a different see...I am observing what I once did.....I am observing 20+ staff  build a rapport with children, I am observing 20+ staff  identify their needs, I am observing 20+ staff meet the needs of the whole child, I am observing 20+ staff change the world.....

Carpe Diem!


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Technical Difficulties

Due to technical difficulties there will not be a post tonight....check back tomorrow!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Day 46

Tomorrow, after 11 days, the academy will be back in session and as I sit here and blog.......I wonder......

......I wonder what the students did over the 11 days of not coming to Carpe Diem....

......I wonder if they are anxious to go to school tomorrow knowing that they will be going to Carpe Diem in the afternoon....

......I wonder where the students will be a year from now, 5 years, 10 years......

......I wonder what the staff has planned to kick-off the final stretch of phase 1......

......I wonder how many students will run up to their Carpe Diem teacher with a smile on their face.....

......I wonder why I have been so blessed to be working for the Carpe Diem Academy.....

......I wonder....and as I wonder....the world will change a little bit more......

Carpe Diem!


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

The Carpe Diem Academy would like to wish you and yours a Happy Easter! Thank you for your continued support!!!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Day 45

My entries have changed since I first started to the beginning they were a little more thought provoking...had a little more substance......however, that has since changed...

Mainly because since the academy has been up and running, I don't have as much down time to reflect on the gather my thoughts that are constantly circulating around the topic of Carpe Diem Academy....

In the beginning, I was blogging late morning or I am lucky to post a daily entry before 11:59 PM....

I don't need to blog everyday....however, it's more of a personal challenge to do so....each day I have learned something.....each day something new happened....this is the next stepping stone in my life and I want to remember all that I gained from this experience! I am off....have a little more time to it goes....

Yesterday evening, I was sitting in my office getting ready for class and as I was grading mid-terms, something (I really can't identify exactly what it was) reminded me how much I love my job.....

Personal happiness is something that we all strive for....I am happy now....I have been happy since I was notified that the proposal for the 21st Century Community Learners grant was accepted....

But why am I happy? I am happy because I made a positive change in my career. I am happy because I work for and with dedicated educators. I am happy because at 5:30 children are still smiling even though they are still in school.... 4 words you don't often find in the same sentence! The other day someone asked me about how I always blog about how we are going to change the world .........those 4 words in the same sentence proves that we are! Children want to be at school.....they want to learn....they are happy!

Happy Easter!

Carpe Diem!


Thursday, April 5, 2012

Day 44

Today is going to be a day that I will always remember.....

.....Today....without sweating or as Penelope (name has been changed to protect actual person from being embarrassed) refers to sweating as "water flowing profusely off the body", without the feeling of an ulcer returning, without eating a handful (or container) of was able to complete a task that required me to work with the budget....readers....that is a major accomplishment!!! "complete" I mean I was able to fill out a check request form and identify the correct budget line.....I have not turned that actual request in it may bounce back with a stamped ERROR message going across it.....

.....but for now....I am going to find peace in knowing that I was able to hold the budget in my hand without water flowing profusely off my body!!

Don't worry folks.....the academy will be up and running again on only a couple more days of me blogging about myself!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Day 43

Today, I spent the day (or a good part of the day) trying to get organized....mainly organizing my filing cabinet and documents. I spent some time contemplating exactly how I should organize the filing cabinet....should the files go by content - invoices, applications, etc. or should I alphabetize them....I went with the organization by mind seemed to respond to that with less confusion!

I continued on with organizing documents into separate binders....some of you may know...I have this thing with sheet fact, while I continue to "get organized" I encourage you to buy some stock in sheet protectors....and then donate all profits to the academy!

Carpe Diem!


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day 42

I have been sitting here trying to figure out what to blog about. I have decided that rather than staring at the computer screen for another 20 minutes, I am just going to type....tonight we shall see what keys my fingers land on....

....As I stated yesterday, the district is on break, so the past 2 days and the remaining 3 days will be "slower paced" days.....

When the academy is in session, the days are pretty paced....try and picture this...

8:30AM - 1:00PM: Meetings, phone calls, picking up snack, dropping off snack, sending emails, and the list could go own....

1:00PM - 6:00PM: This is when the adrenaline kicks in....staff begins to arrive....copy card is passed from staff member to staff member....snack is divided amongst the 12 classrooms....ideas are shared...questions are asked....we depart to the schools....attendance is taken......snack is eaten.....instruction is implemented....physical activity is incorporated....dinner is served....students are dismissed.....

7:30 - whenever the phone dies: text messages are exchanged regarding how the day went and what needs to be done to prepare for the next day....

Last week I was looking forward to having this week to "catch -up".....but today I had difficulty focusing....I miss the above schedule.....but it will be back in one short week.....

Carpe Diem!


Monday, April 2, 2012

Day 41

This week, the district is on break...therefore, the academy will not be running. It almost feels like vacation....there is much work that needs to get done, so this week will be spent playing catch-up....and perhaps catching up on a little sleep.....nah....forget that....who needs sleep?!?!

Leanne said we have been working like dogs....yes, we have been working hard...but....can't we say we have been working like chimpanzees....has a little more pizzazz to it.... that has me thinking....can you imagine if we could work like you know how much time I would save if I could swing by the trees to visit the site locations, or swing from wire to wire up Peach St. when supplies need to be purchased...

....ok...perhaps I am losing my mind....but I am willing to lose a little of it in the quest to change the world....