Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Gaining Focus

Sometimes losing something makes you realize how blessed you truly are. It was about a week ago, that I lost my debit card. I immediately cancelled it and checked to make sure the charges were none other than my own. As I processed the fact that my debit card was stolen and being one to never carry cash, I had to stop and think how the heck I was going to be able to make any purchases! The good old-fashioned act of walking into a bank and taking money out dawned on me a short time later!
By the time Sunday arrived, I had about $27.00 in cash, left.  As I walked into Target, I had a list of things I needed and saw a few things that I wanted. The more we have, the more we want – it’s a typical characteristic.…..however, with only $27.00, I had to focus on the necessities.

That evening, I got thinking….Was I able to survive for the time being with only $27.00…absolutely. Then I started thinking about the students….for some, their needs are not being met but my wants are…..just doesn’t seem fair.  What I was able to purchase with the $27.00 was enough for me to be able to stay clean!

We may not be able to offer the students  at The Academy, gold, but we are able to offer them a glimmer of hope. A peanut butter and jelly sandwhich that will put an end to their hunger pains for the time being, a word of praise to end their sense of failure, a smile to encourage them to succeed.

The $27.00 may not have given me all that I wanted, but it helped me realize that I have everything that I need and so much more!

Carpe Diem!


Monday, February 4, 2013

It's Been A Wonderful Year

So……I’ve been MIA in the blogging world.  Blogging has crossed my mind many times….but when I get home from the sites, I am just too tired……I think I am still catching up on sleep from last Spring!

Today, is the 1 year Anniversary of this blog….the 1 year anniversary of my first day on the job…with that being said, I just had to blog!

This year has truly been amazing!  Let's recap the events from the last 12 months that I don’t think I will ever forget!

February 2012
-       It all began!
-       Meetings
-       Found my way around campus
-       Found my way to the schools
-       Hiring Staff
-       Created a schedule (round 1)
-       Ordered supplies
-       Loved my job

March 2012
-       Enrollment forms were sent home
-       Next day received notice waiting lists were being started
-       conference - learned I can’t buy land and I can’t buy a car
-       became overwhelmed – moved some of my savings to my checking account to purchase additional sticks of deodorant...
-       Kick-Off Reception
-       Day 1 of the academy
-       Dodged hot dogs
-       Loved my job
-       Creatied a schedule (round 2)
-       Sang “Wheels on the Bus” with 20 K – 2 graders while we rode the bus home.
-       Discovered that “Any Key” will work

-       Began to make rounds and visit all sites
-       Realized how much I did not like buses
-       Loved my job

-       Phase 1 ended
-       Loved my job
-       Was in a major funk – The “go…go….go…” that I had become accustomed to over the past few months came to a screeching hault….the campus was desolate....

-       Funk disappeared
-       Moved to a new office
-       Carpe Diem Academy supplies were given a home
-       Loved my job
-       Leveled library was purchased and delivered (all 5 skids of boxes)
-       Attended an AmAzInG conference in Baltimore
-       Summer Phase began
-       3 sites running
-       Random meltdown….but……still loved my job

-       Summer phase ended
-       Campus became alive, again
-       Loved my job
-       Year 2 sites were confirmed
-       Enrollment forms were delivered
-       Staff trainings began

-       Phase 2 began
-       4 sites this time
-       Loved my job

-       Loved my job
-       Received funding for healthy snacks from Erie Community Foundation
-       Was amazed (and still am) with how smoothly the sites were running

-       Very short month
-       Loved my job

-       Applied for funding in collaboration with GEYSO through ECGRA for violin instruction.
-       Loved my job
-       Spent the majority of my time watching votes being tallied
-       Secured 2nd place and violin lessons would soon be added to the Carpe Diem Academy
-       Accepted to present at a national conference in April
-       First Advisory Board meeting

-       Observed students learning to play the violin
-       Realized how far we have come in a year
-       Loved my job
-       Began spending more time in office during Academy hours to begin research

So far, this has been one incredible journey! Would I do it all over – absolutely!! As much as I am looking forward to what the future holds for the Mercyhurst University Carpe Diem Academy, I am hopeful the present will slow down just a bit in order to truly comprehend the impact The Academy is having on each student. 

The first year has been amazing and I thank you for all your support! Here is to Year 2!!

Carpe Diem!
- Amy

Thursday, January 31, 2013