Tuesday, May 22, 2012

We are all connected...

So….in the beginning, my original post was about changing the world. Last week, a connection was made and it reminded me how everything and everyone in the world truly is connected.
For my entire life, I was surrounded by PC’s. I always referred to Apples as “the fake computer”…. I associated apples with apple martinis. There was just something about those large iridescent lumps that would sit in the computer lab….and then you could start purchasing colored ones……...they just didn’t seem as sophisticated as a PC….
Even as life progressed, and the iPhone was the hot item, I would still try to persuade cell phone seekers to purchase a Droid.
But then the transformation happened. I started using an iPad…..and then after numerous issues with my Droid…I converted to an iPhone……..shortly after, my work computer arrived....another Apple product. While the academy was up and running, you would see the nice Mac sitting in the corner of my desk while I worked on my PC……I wasn’t ready for the full conversion! Once the academy ended, I would spend a little time (2-3 minutes) on the Mac and the remaining time on the PC 
That little bit of time increased to the majority of the time…..and then……
……..one Sunday afternoon, I found myself walking out of the store with a MacBook in my hand….I was now a complete Apple!
Following this conversion, I was told I had to name my laptop….….seemed strange….but soon enough, it was named….stop by sometime and I will introduce you to Peon Opal!
Last week, that connection was made….a staff member stopped by my office with a quote…”The ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.” – Steve Jobs
Everything and everyone is connected….even if it’s just by a little….. 
Everything and everyone is crazy…….even if it’s just a little bit crazy….
Have you figured out the bigger connection?? ……We are all connected….we are all crazy…..so that must mean we can all be that change in the world!!!!

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