Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Guest Blogger

Today's post comes from Hannah Cass. Here's her story.....

First off, I cannot say enough good things about Carpe Diem Academy. I absolutely love working with the students and other staff. I love the positive environment that has been created! There is such a contrast between where I started at the academy and where I am ending at. I started out at the Academy as a “floater.” The job of a “floater” is to help the other staff anyway possible. Needless to say that did not last long. After my second day of being a “floater,” Miss Bauschard asked if I would help another teacher out and work in her classroom with her. I was excited to help and actually have a classroom that I was needed in. I had no idea that this “new position” entitled me to be the main teacher in this classroom. I was made aware of this, the day that I was starting in the classroom, when I walked into Miss Bauschard's office. When I heard the news I was freaking out (in my head) because here I am, having to go teach for three hours, with NO preparation at all! Of course I tried to look cool and collected on the outside. Anyways Miss Bauschard and Dr. Roberts gave me a bunch of activities to do with the students and sent me on my way. I kept telling myself that if Miss Bauschard and Dr. Roberts believe that I am capable of doing this, then I certainly can. To my surprise the first day went very well and the kids were great and I have gone back every Tuesday and Thursday since then! I am so thankful that I have had this opportunity to work with such great kids and to work for Dr. Roberts and Miss Bauschard. I am looking forward to the Summer and Fall sessions of Carpe Diem Academy!

Another great story! 

One important quality a teacher must have is to be flexible and Hannah has definitely shown she possesses that quality!

Carpe Diem!


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