Thursday, March 22, 2012

Day 34/Day 6

In 6 days, we have accomplished A you recall the post with the pictures of the large white boards with the schedule? Ya know, the perfect schedule? Well....the schedule wasn't so we made changes....

The original schedule had the students transitioning too much....visiting 3-4 teachers every day....traveling from room to room.....we quickly realized the fewer transitions, the we revamped...and the students are now self-contained....

With this schedule change, came positives....

- One teacher - the teacher will get to know the students, the students will get to know the teacher, and the parents will get to know the teacher, too! Very similar to the regular school day.

- Eating in the classroom - In one classroom, the students were eating, talking quietly and learning
                                           manners. Music was playing quietly in the background. two of the sites, the food is delivered to the same floor as the classrooms, so the carts are pushed down the hall and the food is served. However, at one of the sites, the food is delivered to the lower level and the classrooms are on the 2nd floor....which means, the carts need to be pushed down the hall, around the corner, down a ramp, around the corner, to the elevator, in the elevator, up to the 2nd floor, and then the food is served. The elevator ride was interesting....couldb't  help but take a the picture isn't the best....but needed a snapshot of that memory....and just had to share!

Carpe Diem!


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