Friday, March 16, 2012

Day 30

It's Friday....the weekend has arrived...2 days to regroup and get ready for week two of Carpe Diem Academy. Overall, the first week went really well.....was the schedule on day 1 perfect...Nope! But....we thought about it ....we adapted....and we tried the revised schedule for day 2......was the schedule perfect....Nope!

At first, were we worried....yes....however, after a great planning session today with several members of the CDA staff....we were able to create a new schedule which will be ready to implement for week 2.....will it be perfect....let's hope....but if not....we will go back to the drawing board and we will try again.....that is what we always tell our students....try again....don't give we will try again and again until we find a schedule that works the best....

It was great seeing the entire staff involved in the scheduling....even though Leanne and I have been at the sites the entire time...we are more on the "outside"....the teachers are the ones spending the majority of the time with the students....their thoughts matter.....their thoughts are the most important....and their thoughts were really good!

The following statement is in writing and must be honored....If I ever become a school administrator, I will hire the entire CDA staff......sorry ya'll....but I want the best!

Carpe Diem!


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