So……I’ve been MIA in the blogging world. Blogging has crossed my mind many times….but
when I get home from the sites, I am just too tired……I think I am still
catching up on sleep from last Spring!
Today, is the 1 year Anniversary of this blog….the 1 year
anniversary of my first day on the job…with that being said, I just had to
This year has truly been amazing! Let's recap the events from the last 12 months that I don’t think I will ever
February 2012
It all began!
Found my way around campus
Found my way to the schools
Hiring Staff
Created a schedule (round 1)
Ordered supplies
Loved my job
March 2012
Enrollment forms were sent home
Next day received notice waiting lists were being
conference - learned I can’t buy land and I
can’t buy a car
became overwhelmed – moved some of my savings to
my checking account to purchase additional sticks of deodorant...
Kick-Off Reception
Day 1 of the academy
Dodged hot dogs
Loved my job
Creatied a schedule (round 2)
Sang “Wheels on the Bus” with 20 K – 2 graders
while we rode the bus home.
Discovered that “Any Key” will work
Began to make rounds and visit all sites
Realized how much I did not like buses
Loved my job
Phase 1 ended
Loved my job
Was in a major funk – The “go…go….go…” that I
had become accustomed to over the past few months came to a screeching
hault….the campus was desolate....
Funk disappeared
Moved to a new office
Carpe Diem Academy supplies were given a home
Loved my job
Leveled library was purchased and delivered (all
5 skids of boxes)
Attended an AmAzInG conference in Baltimore
Summer Phase began
3 sites running
Random meltdown….but……still loved my job
Summer phase ended
Campus became alive, again
Loved my job
Year 2 sites were confirmed
Enrollment forms were delivered
Staff trainings began
Phase 2 began
4 sites this time
Loved my job
Loved my job
Received funding for healthy snacks from Erie
Community Foundation
Was amazed (and still am) with how smoothly the
sites were running
Very short month
Loved my job
Applied for funding in collaboration with GEYSO
through ECGRA for violin instruction.
Loved my job
Spent the majority of my time watching votes being
Secured 2nd place and violin lessons
would soon be added to the Carpe Diem Academy
Accepted to present at a national conference in
First Advisory Board meeting
Observed students learning to play the violin
Realized how far we have come in a year
Loved my job
Began spending more time in office during
Academy hours to begin research
So far, this has been one incredible journey! Would I do it
all over – absolutely!! As much as I am looking forward to what the future
holds for the Mercyhurst University Carpe Diem Academy, I am hopeful the
present will slow down just a bit in order to truly comprehend the impact The
Academy is having on each student.
The first year has been amazing and I thank you for all your
support! Here is to Year 2!!
Carpe Diem!
- Amy