Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Gaining Focus

Sometimes losing something makes you realize how blessed you truly are. It was about a week ago, that I lost my debit card. I immediately cancelled it and checked to make sure the charges were none other than my own. As I processed the fact that my debit card was stolen and being one to never carry cash, I had to stop and think how the heck I was going to be able to make any purchases! The good old-fashioned act of walking into a bank and taking money out dawned on me a short time later!
By the time Sunday arrived, I had about $27.00 in cash, left.  As I walked into Target, I had a list of things I needed and saw a few things that I wanted. The more we have, the more we want – it’s a typical characteristic.…..however, with only $27.00, I had to focus on the necessities.

That evening, I got thinking….Was I able to survive for the time being with only $27.00…absolutely. Then I started thinking about the students….for some, their needs are not being met but my wants are…..just doesn’t seem fair.  What I was able to purchase with the $27.00 was enough for me to be able to stay clean!

We may not be able to offer the students  at The Academy, gold, but we are able to offer them a glimmer of hope. A peanut butter and jelly sandwhich that will put an end to their hunger pains for the time being, a word of praise to end their sense of failure, a smile to encourage them to succeed.

The $27.00 may not have given me all that I wanted, but it helped me realize that I have everything that I need and so much more!

Carpe Diem!


Monday, February 4, 2013

It's Been A Wonderful Year

So……I’ve been MIA in the blogging world.  Blogging has crossed my mind many times….but when I get home from the sites, I am just too tired……I think I am still catching up on sleep from last Spring!

Today, is the 1 year Anniversary of this blog….the 1 year anniversary of my first day on the job…with that being said, I just had to blog!

This year has truly been amazing!  Let's recap the events from the last 12 months that I don’t think I will ever forget!

February 2012
-       It all began!
-       Meetings
-       Found my way around campus
-       Found my way to the schools
-       Hiring Staff
-       Created a schedule (round 1)
-       Ordered supplies
-       Loved my job

March 2012
-       Enrollment forms were sent home
-       Next day received notice waiting lists were being started
-       conference - learned I can’t buy land and I can’t buy a car
-       became overwhelmed – moved some of my savings to my checking account to purchase additional sticks of deodorant...
-       Kick-Off Reception
-       Day 1 of the academy
-       Dodged hot dogs
-       Loved my job
-       Creatied a schedule (round 2)
-       Sang “Wheels on the Bus” with 20 K – 2 graders while we rode the bus home.
-       Discovered that “Any Key” will work

-       Began to make rounds and visit all sites
-       Realized how much I did not like buses
-       Loved my job

-       Phase 1 ended
-       Loved my job
-       Was in a major funk – The “go…go….go…” that I had become accustomed to over the past few months came to a screeching hault….the campus was desolate....

-       Funk disappeared
-       Moved to a new office
-       Carpe Diem Academy supplies were given a home
-       Loved my job
-       Leveled library was purchased and delivered (all 5 skids of boxes)
-       Attended an AmAzInG conference in Baltimore
-       Summer Phase began
-       3 sites running
-       Random meltdown….but……still loved my job

-       Summer phase ended
-       Campus became alive, again
-       Loved my job
-       Year 2 sites were confirmed
-       Enrollment forms were delivered
-       Staff trainings began

-       Phase 2 began
-       4 sites this time
-       Loved my job

-       Loved my job
-       Received funding for healthy snacks from Erie Community Foundation
-       Was amazed (and still am) with how smoothly the sites were running

-       Very short month
-       Loved my job

-       Applied for funding in collaboration with GEYSO through ECGRA for violin instruction.
-       Loved my job
-       Spent the majority of my time watching votes being tallied
-       Secured 2nd place and violin lessons would soon be added to the Carpe Diem Academy
-       Accepted to present at a national conference in April
-       First Advisory Board meeting

-       Observed students learning to play the violin
-       Realized how far we have come in a year
-       Loved my job
-       Began spending more time in office during Academy hours to begin research

So far, this has been one incredible journey! Would I do it all over – absolutely!! As much as I am looking forward to what the future holds for the Mercyhurst University Carpe Diem Academy, I am hopeful the present will slow down just a bit in order to truly comprehend the impact The Academy is having on each student. 

The first year has been amazing and I thank you for all your support! Here is to Year 2!!

Carpe Diem!
- Amy

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Teachers Make a Difference

I have to say I am starting to feel guilty for not blogging every day as I did last year. Last year, I blogged each day…..this year I push myself to write an entry every two weeks or so…..

…..Not to worry….my enthusiasm has not diminished! I still love my job!  Each day is a new adventure….yesterday, my phone was ringing off the hook….today, my phone was silent. I could write about what I do each day, but this isn’t about me….it’s about the 250 students that we serve, daily. Its about the 25+ staff members that are learning that teaching can be very challenging, yet very rewarding!  

Yesterday, I was told of a child that began to cry when she was picked up at the beginning of the academy. Today, I witnessed a child become upset when she was told she may no longer be able to attend due to transportation issues.

We don’t want to see tears. We don’t want to see children upset. It just goes to show that teachers really do make a difference in the life of a child. In 16 short days….a total of 48 hours, the teachers have built a relationship with the children that makes the children want to come each day.

Each of the teachers, both classroom and support, have had many successes. I cant wait to see what May looks like…..however, I have said this before…..I don’t want this time to pass too quickly….

People often ask “Why do you think you are changing the world.” or “How do you know you are changing the world.” It’s simple….take a walk down one of the hallways with me and I will point it out!

Carpe Diem!


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Not so perfect....but it's ok.....

I have been sitting here for about 40 minutes trying to write a meaningful blog. I get done with a paragraph or two and then delete it because it’s not perfect.

But….then I got thinking….is anything ever perfect? A teacher’s world is never perfect……

-           ........As a teacher, we have lessons that go well and lessons that turn out kinda icky.

-           ......As a teacher, one day we may be able to manage the class very well and on other days the students tie us up.

-          ......As  a teacher, we may have a great rapport with some students and with others it is an uphill climb.

....A teacher’s world is never perfect….just as our students are constantly learning, so are we.

The members of the Carpe Diem Academy staff are growing tremendously in their chosen field. They realize when a lesson doesn’t go so well, or when they don’t have the best control of their class.  Teaching is different than adding two numbers together. Every day is a new day….with new successes and new challenges. 

Every day will not be perfect….but…..as we try to reach perfection, we will grow……and as we grow, the world will change

Carpe Diem!
