sleep…..nothing is weighing on my mind…..I just simply cannot sleep. I am beginning to wonder if I could get away
with sleeping every other night.
to school time is within reach. I always post how much I love my job. However,
I want to make it clear that I didn’t hate my job prior to coming to
Mercyhurst. I mean who could hate hearing, “Miss Bauschard” 100 times a
day…..who could hate tossing a beach ball up into the air the exact number of
days we’ve been in school…..who could hate doing the Cha-Cha Slide during a mid
morning break…..who could hate having students repeat directions and at the end
somehow always get them to repeat, “and we will do this because Miss Bauschard
is the best” - I would get them every
time.! Who could hate having the opportunity to introduce a chair to a student
who never seemed to being to stay in it. I loved the job I had before….I loved
teaching first grade…..I loved each of the 6 classes that came through my door.
I never dreamed of leaving. However, as much as I loved what I did, there were
reasons that made me realize it was time to move on.
to school time is within reach. The few weeks leading up to the first day of
school were always my favorite. I took much time in setting up my classroom
from the décor, to desk arrangement, to a pointer that went right along with
the theme– it had to be just right….I mean, I was going to be spending 40+
hours a week in that space! That was one part that I really missed this year…at
one point I thought was seeing if anyone wanted a classroom decorator….eh,
maybe next year! The anticipation of a brand new year – the curriculum may have
stayed the same, but each year a brand new group of students walked through my
door. Each year, I had to do things differently to meet their individual needs.
Each year, as my students learned, I learned.
to school time is within reach. We have
had time to sleep in, pin new ideas on Pintrest, soak our feet in the sand, read a book or two,
and the list could go on. As teachers, let’s not get boggled down by the
endless paperwork, phone calls, and “Debbie downers”. Let’s keep the excitement of back to school time
within reach for the entire year – by doing that, you may just change the world
for a child or two or more!
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